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Ordinary Men Having Love Lives Like The Movie Stars

Are you in a relationship, and wonder what your future holds? Well you are not alone. The feelings you are having are not unique. Even famous stars question their love lives. Whether you are madly in love, or just plain pooped from your relationship woes, take a look at the movie stars for your answers. Look at famous celebrity couples or bachelors to see where your relationship fits in. Imagine yourself as a romantic Brad Pitt or bad boy Charlie Sheen romancing the hottie of your dreams. If not Brad or Charlie, then which movie star’s life are you living right now?

Caught a Case of the Katie Holmes/ Tom Cruise Infectious Infatuation

You can’t wait to see her and you want this feeling to last forever. The relationship is still fairly new but you know in your heart that she is the one. You want to spend all your free time with her and you find yourself reprioritizing your schedule to fit her into your life. You feel incredible passion, but also at times feel anxious about losing her. Sometimes you question her faithfulness and commitment to you, even though she seems blissfully happy too. You haven’t yet felt the urge to engage in any sofa stompin activities expressing your undying love for her, but the idea doesn’t seem too far outside of your realm of thinking.

Advice for Infectious Infatuation: Hold off on engagement ring purchases and marriage proposals for now. Take a break from sonogram shopping and baby planning. Instead just stay on course and keep enjoying her and see where this romance leads. Remember infatuation can last 6 months to 2 years. So make sure it is love before you make any life long commitments

Searching for a Jessica Simpson/Nick Lachey Maturity Makeover

You have been together for several years. It seems like overnight the things you used to love about her are getting on your nerves. You fight about little things, big things, any things. Your lovemaking sessions aren’t as frequent or as passionate as they used to be. She doesn’t seem to pay as much attention to your needs as she used to. It’s over and you are calling it quits.

Advice for Maturity Makeover It’s 98 degrees and rising and time to cool off. Breakups are never easy. The decision to break up has been made so there is no point contacting her during a weak moment and trying to work things out. Instead, get yourself involved in healthy activities. Exercise, visit with family and friends that care about you. Do something to make you feel good about yourself (how about investing in some tanning lotion, just a suggestion). Just because you are a man doesn’t mean you can’t have feelings of hurt and dismay. Accept those feelings and just take one day at a time.

Just Jammin in the Jada Pickett Smith/ Will Smith Jackpot

You and your woman are together, committed forever. Sure you have your ups and downs, but you work through your problems and respect each other totally. You will do whatever it takes to keep your relationship strong and healthy. Your family is the most important thing in your life. Your wife/girlfriend enhances you. She never brings you down. Because you have such a solid foundation at home, you have found much success in your life as you can freely focus on your career, family and interests. You see yourself growing old with your wife, and putting your children and family first above all else.

Advice to Just Jammin Jackpot: This Prince needs no advice.

Walk Away Whitney Houston/ Bobby Brown LowDown

Your relationship is filled with tremendous highs and unbelievable lows. You find yourself either fighting constantly or engaged in phenomenal make-up sex with her. Although tumultuous, you are committed to making your relationship work. You hope things will get better because you still truly love her. Sometimes you think that you are soul mates and you were destined to be together. Other times you wish she had never entered your life. You blame her for your problems. You just want some peace.

Advice to Walk Away Lowdown: Stop singing “Its my prerogative” and do something to change your life. You need to start making some drastic changes, and focus on improving yourself. Only you are responsible for bringing happiness in your life, not her. So get busy. And if you have any child support payments, traffic violations, etc., just pay them already.

Dawdling in Some Puff Daddy, P Diddy or Just Some Diddy

You are just out there having fun. You are into the party scene, dating, enjoying and loving women. You have talent, cool moves, and a major fashion sense. You are just too cool. You are into the “love em and leave em” philosophy. Although in your case you have one and only one name, it is true that women have called you quite a few names in your life that you wouldn’t care to repeat.

Advice for Dawdling: You’re still young, so enjoy life, but try not to hurt anyone along the way. Lose the white suit. It has yet to bring out your angelic side.

So how did you do? Whether you’re the Prince or P Diddy, we could all use some relationship advice at different times in our life.

About the Author, Heidi Wallick:

Relationship advice for guys gives easy simple tips on obtaining and maintaining healthy relationships. For more tips on how to attract a woman, to meet a woman, and improve your dating life, check out

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