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The Demon Dictionary

Don't just take pictures

Most people believe that angels exist. But what about demons? Are demons real?

You bet they are!

When Satan fell from heaven, he was not alone. One third of all angels (his followers) were also bound to earth by God. These angels are what we commonly refer to as demons. Nearly all religious texts speak of demons and there acts. For instance, if you believe the bible to true, you must believe that demons most certainly exist. Demons are mentioned numerous times within this text alone.

While many people do believe in the existence of Satan’s angels, few have bothered to discover their names or their purpose here on earth. There are legions upon legions of fallen angels, but there are only 72 high ranking demons that rule and command all the others. These are the leaders in Hell and will be the commanders of Satan’s army at the final battle.

This book is an attempt to identify these primary demons and briefly describe their influences upon mankind. I have provided the name, rank, seal, and a description of the demon and the powers each can demonstrate or control. You will also find some of the early artist’s renderings of how many of these demons will appear when summoned. However, since they are non-corporeal beings or spirits, I’m sure they can probably take any form they wish.

Most of the information within this book has been gleaned from the ancient text listed in the back. These demons were very familiar to the ancient writers and are still called upon today by witches, Satanists and those who practice black magic.


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